16 September 2010

Star trek kitchen.

I cooked! Woo! AND I didn't blow up the house! I've always had a fear of gas stoves. Random childhood memory tidbits about pilot lights and matches and gas and explosions... Brad has assured and reassured me that modern gas stoves are totally different and use an auto pilot light. I guess I believe him... Anyway, my new favorite sound is the "click click click" of the stove lighting.

I haven't had a chance to make a trip to the grocery store yet, so our first home-cooked meal wasn't anything special, but it sure hit the spot. Just some noodles, garden pasta sauce, and some breadcrumbs for a little texture. No butter, so Brad had a dry piece of bread with his. Classy.

And now that we're done eating... I can put the dirty dishes in our new (and installed!) dishwasher. Brad's pride and joy! (He works in dishwashers specifically at WP.)

Utensil pouch.

Utensil rack.

I have a little bit of light reading to do now, as I try to figure out all my new appliances with all their crazy functions and options and gadgets and do-dads!

Side note, Brad and Jim are down in the basement trying to get our gas dryer hooked up. They've been at it since 5. Two trips to Lowe's later, I think they might be getting close. Actually, Brad just came up and grabbed Heidi's blankie to test it out with... Guess they're done! Hooray for clean clothes! (And double hooray for Jim again. All of this, plus he showed up with a new faucet for our "master" bath. AND he wants to make me his mom's pecan pie. Seriously. We've been blessed with good people around us during this transition for sure.)

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