09 August 2007

Young-ish, at least....

Last night Rachel and I had our first meeting with the newly formed and officially official Planned Parenthood Young Leaders committee. I don't think I've ever joined a group before? Go me! ha ha! Anyway, it went really well and sounds like everyone has lots of good ideas.

Turns out, nearly all of PP's support comes from the generations above us, those that know how good us younger generations have it -- have lived through the times when personal choice and options weren't, well, an option. So the goal of this group is to get the young professionals involved -- those of us that are out of college, have started our real adult lives, maybe even started families. We'll help plan the two existing events (beer tasting and dancing!) then try and come up with a third, summer event (ask Rachel about her movie night idea -- awesome!). The point being to make events as fun and social as possible because not only do people our age care (hopefully), they also want to have a good time. No one wants to come back for boring, stuffy events. (I love this -- the Kalamazoo PPYL group has a Wine, Water, and Whoopie event! It's a booze cruise, and they had a sex expert come on board to talk about spicing up your sex life.)

First up is the beer tasting event next month, held at the Arbor Brewing Company. Us volunteers will be on hand to pour beer and hopefully inspire some other folks to join our group. Sounds like it'll be a great time, so as soon as we have invitations, be on the lookout!

Also, think about if you'd be interested in joining the group. Right now there are only five of us, and we'd love to expand (the more the merrier!). No pressure, but think about it, and let me know if you're interested.

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