25 November 2009

Phoning it in.

I must confess, I will not be winning the homemaker of the year award... This morning, I broke down and ordered our entire Thanksgiving dinner from Busch's. Even the pies. Unforeseen circumstances are the culprit, but I still feel a little bit like a fraud. I'll just have to kick my Xmas homemaking up a notch, right? That being said, I must confess I am slightly excited for totally ooey gooey bad-for-me goodness -- I'm sure the mashed potatoes will have WAY more butter than I would ever use, and nothing will be fat free. Mmmm. PLUS... for the first time in nearly a decade, Brad will be home ALL DAY. Which absolutely 100% makes my day -- I can't wait to spend the whole day with him, and I promise to not complain too much when he wants to watch football.

So oodles of love to all my family and friends, who I am endlessly thankful for. Enjoy a little Bing as you get ready for your holiday dinner.

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