04 September 2013

Workin for the weekend.

I think it is quite fair to say there was no laboring being done over our four-day Labor Day holiday. We certainly weren't idle - my legs were so sore by Sunday that I could barely run a mile - but other than some errands here and there, we certainly made the most of our weekend. Kicking it off Thursday night with nine holes and margaritas with our favorite bartender, Kevin. Among other shenanigans we got up to Friday, we took Heidi for an impromptu early morning swim. This made her very happy. And very sandy.

Georgie just watched.

But he was still happy.

Bbqs with friends and family. Bike rides to Benton Harbor. Antiques with my gal Hillary. Brunch and bloody marys with dear old friends. Beach picnics and polka dot innertube floating. And then, whilst grocery shopping, Brad got a call from NYC Lisa - calling to see if we were free for a visit! SURPRISE! (Her and other Brad were in Michigan for vacation but not in our neck of the woods.) I love surprises! Especially when they reunite the four of us - all together for the first time since April of 2010!

"I miss you, other Brad," says Brad with his eyes.

Where did we take them? The Boat House, of course!

And then to town for ice cream at Cabana's and ball sitting on the bluff.

And then home, to sit on our PORCH! The Zs, were on... our... porch.

Come back soon!

aaaaand.... Now we're halfway through our week back to work. Why do weekends ever have to end? Sigh.


Lady Lisa said...

oh man, that "i miss you other Brad" picture kills me. I'm SO GLAD we got to make a surprise visit, and see your beautiful porch in person! Love Yous. :-)

Stephanie said...

haha right? His look says everything we were all feeling. :)